Your childhood is written all over your face

Your face may give away more than you think as scientists conclude that - beyond the sneaky lines and wrinkles – your facial features betray your childhood

Gordon & Tracey (LL)
Gordon & Tracey (LL)
(Image credit: REX)

Your face may give away more than you think as scientists conclude that - beyond the sneaky lines and wrinkles – your facial features betray your childhood

The story of your life is written all over your face according to scientists at the University of Edinburgh who claim it is possible to learn about a person’s childhood by looking at the symmetry of their face.

Using 15 different facial features the scientists found that people with asymmetric faces tended to have more deprived childhoods, while symmetrical faces suggest selfishness.

People with symmetrical faces tend to be healthier and more attractive, they are also more self-sufficient and have less of an incentive to cooperate and seek help from others, according to the study.

The findings suggest that early childhood experiences such as nutrition, illness, and exposure to cigarette smoke and pollution and other aspects of your upbringing leave their mark in people’s facial features.

‘Symmetry in the face is thought to be a marker of what is called developmental stability – the body’s ability to withstand environmental stressors and not be knocked off its developmental path,’ says Professor Ian Deary.

This might explain why celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay and Tracy Emin who had difficult and impoverished childhoods, have such distinctive asymmetric facial features, despite having made their fortunes.

Researchers are hoping that the findings will help with further experiments into identifying those who might be at an increased risk of illness.