Autumn could cause women to lose their hair

The dark autumn mornings and evenings are depressing enough but now researchers claim the season could cause women to lose their hair

Hair loss (LL)
Hair loss (LL)
(Image credit: REX)

The dark autumn mornings and evenings are depressing enough but now researchers claim the season could cause women to lose their hair

A study published in the journal Dermatology followed more than 800 healthy women over a period of six years and found that they experienced most hair loss during the autumn months.

90 per cent of our hair is growing at all times, while the remainder is in a resting state for between two to six months before it falls out.

'Hair cells are the second-fastest produced cells in the body after bone marrow, so hair is often the first thing to suffer from any bodily upset,' says Glenn Lyons, consultant trichologist at the Philip Kingsley clinic.

The Swedish researchers found that women had the highest proportion of resting hairs in July, remaining in that state for around 100 days before falling out around October.

Dr Hugh Rushton, from the University of Portsmouth, explains the evolution behind hair loss. We do not need hair for survival so if it's a choice between your hair growing or keeping blood going to vital organs, the former will suffer.

'Hair is an incredibly sensitive barometer. It can even forewarn you when there are no other symptoms of illness.'