Your baby will earn a lot of money if you use one of these names


baby names


When it comes to naming your tiny tot, the possibilities are endless.

Do you follow the trend and pick one of the most popular baby names on the market? Or do you go for one of the trendiest baby names of the year?

And how much influence will your baby's name have on their life? Can your baby's name really predict how naughty they're going to be? Or how successful a life they'll have? Well. apparently so. has researched into the matter and identified what they claim are the names for baby girls that are most likely to earn the highest salaries.

To carry out their study, they looked over 500,000 CVs, looking at names and salaries before working out the average salary for the first 1200 names.

The results found that women named Lily are most likely to earn the most - with an average salary of £30,821. In second was Isabella, who will earn around £28,935.

Women named Ella, Amelia, Mia, Jessica and Olivia will also do pretty well in life, earning an average salary of more than £26,000.

So, if you want to give your daughter the best start in life maybe call her Lily or Isabella.