14 things girls with long hair only know

Sometimes, you just want to cut it all off...

things you only know if you have long hair
(Image credit: Jim Smeal/BEI/Shutterstock)

Sometimes, you just want to cut it all off...

It's weird to think we grow a fungus on our head and style it daily. But, hey, some of us are really attached to this fungus. So much so, we end up growing it way past our shoulders. In fact, if we're lucky, we grow it to our waists.

Thing is, long hair is pretty to look at, but it's a pain in the arse to maintain. Even the most amazing hairstyles for long hair can't change our minds. But, it's a love, hate relationship, so we put up with all the things that annoy us.

Got long hair? These shampoos are PERFECT for you...

If you've got long hair, you'll know that we mean these 14 things...

1. Sure, everyone's hair falls out daily. But when long hair falls out, it's like a whole wig has been shedding itself throughout your house. And office. And car.


2. You strangle yourself while you sleep. Like, every night.


3. If you share a bed with someone else, it's pretty likely you'll be pinned down every time the roll over onto your hair.


4. Unclogging your shower takes about half a day.


5. You always get it caught. In everything.


6. Soup is the enemy. Your hair always ends up in your food. But soup is the worst.


7. Umbrellas never protect the ends.


8. It's just basically everywhere when you're having sex. In his face. In your face. In between, everything.


9. You literally need a night to wash your hair. It's not even an excuse.


10. Sticky lipgloss is your enemy.


11. Coat zippers are like magnets. It's rare to actually get your jacket done all the way up to the top without getting your hair caught.


12. People are always like ‘oh you can do so much with it’ but you CBA as it take to long to get through it all so you end up doing nothing.


13. It's just always in your face.


14. Just as you got your hair to the length you wanted it, everyone went and cut theirs into a LOB.



Natalie Lukaitis