Yes, your hair is more likely to look dull, dry and lifeless right now—here’s why (and what to do about it)

There's a *great* product for the job

Close up of a model holding authentic beauty concept glow spray serum
(Image credit: Authentic Beauty Concept)

Summer is a time to let your hair down, embrace the beachy waves, and soak up the sun. But did you know, just like applying SPF every day to protect your skin, you also need to protect your hair from the perils of summer heat? If your hair is looking dull, dry, or both, it likely has something to do with the summer sun. But fear not, because the new Authentic Beauty Concept Glow Spray Serum is here to rescue your summer lengths, letting you continue to have fun in the sun without damaging your strands. Wondering how summer jeopardises the appearance of healthy hair, and how to fix it? Keep scrolling for the four main ways in which your hair can face damage right now, plus the easy fix for it.

1. UV Rays

Ever wonder why your hair looks dull when you come back from holiday, whether you have coloured hair or not? UV rays are one of the biggest culprits in fading hair colour and dulling its vibrancy. The sun's rays can lighten the hair's natural pigment and break down its proteins, leaving it prone to breakage and looking lifeless. So, protection is a necessary step. But don’t worry, you don’t need to put sunscreen lotion in your hair—the ABC Glow Spray Serum works as the ultimate defence against UV damage. Formulated with a UV Protection Booster, this serum shields your hair from harmful UV exposure, preserving colour vibrancy and enhancing shine. Key ingredients like ruby algae nourish and revitalise your hair, restoring its natural glow and protecting against environmental stressors.

2. Chlorine Damage

Chlorine can be a nightmare for your hair, stripping away natural oils and leaving it dry and brittle. But you don’t have to skip out on a sunny swim to avoid these issues. ABC Glow Spray Serum combats this damage with ingredients like deep-sea water ferment, which hydrates and strengthens the hair fibre. The serum’s unique formula not only protects hair from chlorine but also boosts shine, ensuring your hair looks as good as it feels.

3. Humidity

Humidity is an absolute nightmare for hair. As soon as it gets a little humid, hair can become full of flyaways and feel impossible to manage. Since we discovered ABC Glow Spray Serum, our strands have stayed put even in the hottest temperatures. How so? The serum protects against heat damage during styling, helping to achieve a sleek, polished look that stays put even throughout humid days. Our absolute favourite thing about this spray serum, which we wax lyrical about, is that it protects strands not only from the sun but also from heat styling. With heat protection up to 230°C, this serum ensures your hair remains healthy and strong, even when using hot styling tools. Plus, its weightless texture makes it perfect for daily use, blending seamlessly into any style without leaving residue.

Authentic Beauty Concept glow spray serum in action

(Image credit: Authentic Beauty Concept)

4. Sweat

Summer heat brings sweat and that can mean unwanted hair odours. But fear not—ABC Glow Spray Serum not only protects and enhances your hair but also leaves it smelling divine. Seriously, it's the best smelling hair product we've ever used. The serum boasts a unique scent profile with sweet, earthy notes of dates and cinnamon, transitioning to a base of milky woods, vanilla and tonka bean. The fragrance is carefully curated by a specialist perfumer to ensure your hair smells as good as it looks, turning your haircare routine into a moment of pure indulgence. With a scent this irresistible, using this product isn't just about hair protection—it's a pleasure you'll look forward to every day, and a step we never leave the house without.

Authentic beauty concept glow spray serum and beauty potion in STA salon

(Image credit: Rebecca Munroe)

How to use Glow Spray Serum

Dionne Brighotn getting hair done

(Image credit: Rebecca Munroe)

Yes, the spray serum can do it all, but it's surprisingly easy to use. The best part? You can use it every day thanks to its lightweight texture, and you'll want to because of its gorgeous scent and incredible added shine. Simply spray and go—no need to rinse. For heat protection, apply onto towel-dried, clean hair before starting your blow-drying routine. For an added boost of shine throughout the day, you can also apply it to dry hair, ensuring the product dries completely before using hot styling tools. Its lightweight formula allows you to seamlessly integrate this serum into your daily haircare routine without weighing down your lengths. 

Designed not only for protection against UV rays and heat styling but also to enhance the natural shine and vibrancy of your hair, it's a must-have for maintaining healthy, beautiful hair every day. Plus, its irresistible scent makes it a perfect finishing touch before heading out.

Dionne Brighton outside STA salon after using authentic beauty concept glow spray serum

(Image credit: Rebecca Munroe)
Dionne Brighton

Dionne Brighton is a writer at Marie Claire UK, specialising in all things shopping, beauty and fashion. Born and raised in North London, she studied Literature at the University of East Anglia before taking the leap into journalism. These days, you can find her testing out the latest TikTok beauty trends or finding out what the next full Moon means.