Lucy Siegle

Lucy Siegle


Lucy Siegle is one of the UK’s best loved climate and nature communicators and has

been described as the UK’s ‘green queen’. For nearly two decades on Prime-time TV

and for major media brands she has championed ecological issues and sustainability

making them relatable and relevant to all audiences. She known for her mix of

knowledge, enthusiasm and warmth on stage and on film.

She is author of five books including Turning the Tide on Plastic: How Humanity (and

you) Can Make Our Globe Clean Again (Orion). But it was her 2011 expose of the

human and ecological cost of the fashion industry, To Die For: Is Fashion Wearing out

the World? (Harper Collins 2011, nominated for the Orwell prize) that helped to

popularise terms such as ‘fast fashion’ and spearheaded the sustainable fashion

movement. In 2015 To Die For was used as the basis for The True Cost, the Netflix hit

documentary on global development and the fashion supply chain. Lucy produced

and stars in the film. Since then she has spoken on fashion and textiles across the

globe from Sydney to Tulca, Romania and in Bangladesh.

One of the original ‘family’ of presenters on The One Show, Lucy has made and

presented hundreds of the show’s distinctive VTs, clocked up many live studio

performances and hosted as main anchor alongside Chris Evans and Matt Baker. She

has considerable experience anchoring live outside broadcasts from all over the UK

and in all conditions. But she is best known for applying her journalistic skills to

mainstream green stories; she has recently investigated the claims of green cruise

ships and reported on a historic house powered by renewables for BBC1. In addition

Lucy has worked extensively for ITN productions, producing, directing and presenting

short films for clients. She has also presented investigative documentaries, including

on ‘the truth about recycling’ for Channel 4 Dispatches.

For 14 years she wrote the first popular sustainability column in a national

newspaper, The Observer and is also known for her interviews and features with high

profile environmentalists, from Sir David Attenborough to Bjork. In order to get more

eyes on sustainable fashion, Lucy co-founded the Green Carpet Challenge with Livia

Firth, working with designers from Armani to Stella McCartney and A-list talent. She

continues to write extensively for the world’s biggest media brands.

She is in demand as an onstage interviewer (interviewees have included the late

Dame Vivienne Westwood, Bill McKibben, Mikaela Loach, Julia Gillard, George

Monbiot and Patrick Grant) and host of live events, including the Plastic Free awards

for Surfers Against Sewage. Lucy’s recent corporate events as host and chair include

decarbonising supply chains for BMW, the Association of British Insurers (ABI)’s

recent climate conference for the third year, Canary Wharf’s sustainable action week

and hosting the main stage at Reset Connect at Excel during London Climate Week.

Lucy is a professional speech writer for major high level climate events, including

COPs. She is adept at collaborating with A list talent to make moments matter and to

make messages sing. Since 2017 Lucy has worked on climate advocacy with the

British musician and UN environment ambassador, Ellie Goulding. Lucy is a trustee

for Surfers Against Sewage and an ambassador for WWF UK and The Circle.